2024-2025 Player Registration




I agree that Harrah School District, Little League Basketball of Harrah (LLBOH), their employees and volunteers are NOT liable for any injury to my child/children while participating in LLBOH Basketball activities. I further agree that the Harrah School District, LLBOH, their employees and volunteers are released from any damages occurring during practice or competitive activities.
I have also read, understand and agree to the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct.
The essential elements of character building in athletes are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Good Citizenship, Fairness, and Trustworthiness. As a parent/guardian, it is my duty to model these principles, therefore, I agree that:
* I will learn the policies and procedures of the Little League Basketball of Harrah (LLBOH) as well as the Eastern Oklahoma County Basketball Association (EOCBA).
* I will respect the officials and their authority before, during and after the games.
* I will remember that my child is here to have fun understanding that the games are for the children, not the adults.
* I will demand by example that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect - regardless of race, creed, color, gender or ability.
* I will teach my child that doing his/her best is more important than winning, so my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.
* I, and my guests, will be positive role models for the children and will encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or sporting event.
* I will promote the emotional and physical well being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my own child to win.
* I will leave the coaching up to the coaches and will cheer each child to success during all practices and games.
* I will never question, discuss or confront coaches at the game but rather will take the time to speak to them during a more appropriate time and place.
* I and my guests, will not engage in any type of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player or parent such as booing/taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or making profane gestures.
Please note that any acts of violence will be cause for removal from the association(s) for the remainder of the basketball season, and can be cause for permanent removal.
The LLBOH and the EOCBA have a ZERO tolerance policy regarding violent behaviors of any kind.

Eastern Oklahoma County Basketball League requires each player that signs up under Little League Basketball of Harrah (LLBOH) must attend Harrah Public School System or live in the Harrah school district to be eligible. By checking this box you give consent for LLBOH to verify your child attends Harrah Public Schools. If you do not check this box your child might not be eligible to play. Please reach out to LLBOH coordinators to find alternative means for verification. LLBOH verifies player eligibility by sending a roster with only the child's name and grade to be verified by the school administration. No other information is collected or distributed.

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